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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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the only bits that are stabilized are those which contain the mineral resources the oil particularly which are now being guarded by western mercenary spy companies security companies so in terms of the average daily life of the average libyan the quality of life has gone down there's no doubt that it is actually rich and this is what obviously has happened in egypt where people are not happy with the result of revolution because their standard of living the economy is in dire straits we just seen the second anniversary there in egypt with massive protests we're seeing protests possibly happening now in libya could we see some sort of instability in another revolution taking place perhaps in libya as we're seeing possibly happening in egypt well i think people have invested a lot of hope in the arab spring i think now they're beginning to realize the harsh reality that a lot of it was backed by the west and the west wants to strip their countries of the mineral wealth of the spillover into other areas like mali and niger as well and this is all part of a bigger sort of power player between us wanting to secure the minerals or says
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about africa generally and stop china getting them so in terms of democracy an arab spring there you know i think it's very naive to think that that's what the west is trying to help or as countries what has been the backlash from the west as you say trying to help because color would if you did say that an uprising could sweep across the arab world to what extent has it for for prophecy come true well the sort of the irony because colonel gadhafi had always more to fear from islamists than most other leaders in that part of the world so by toppling him and having him murdered very publicly it's opened up a very wide opportunity for the sort of ideological mentality but then of course they become the new terrorists that the west now has a justification for these countries to defeat and that's what we're seeing in libya where publicly across much more of north africa and we certainly see mali and it's great to talk to you thanks your time and my five agent joining us live here at r.t. thanks. well just ahead for you in the program does that crisis the u.n. says the situation in mali is becoming humanitarian development following the
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french intervention we examine the issues plaguing the embattled west african nation that's coming your way very shortly. but before that time for business now we've katie and she joins me now here in the studio. a bad time for the eurozone and it's the biggest economy this time what you're actually showing fairly worrying signs absolutely and that's the concern the biggest economy being gemini posting a dismal growth figures as well as france as well it's lay on the hall into one of the week. portugal so all of these results coming out today and i'll tell you how the markets reacted to let's come off the bike ok thanks a lot. wealthy british style. time guys let's go. to. the.
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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. could make it without any federal. consent. to. choose the stories but if you. choose. to.
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welcome to business i'm katie. the three biggest economies in the euro zone posted the was growth figures since the height of the recession four years ago the economies of germany france italy olds rank more than four calls in the fourth quarter of twenty twelve today i spoke to chris we thought he's as chief justice from spare bank investment research i often about these days releases and also for his outlook for twenty. they are certainly of great concern i think to economists looking at the prospects for the global recovery because the euro zone is one of the world's major economic regions and if it were to continue into this you know economic recession be slight then the danger is we could see contagion spreading to
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china to the u.s. and that of course we don't come back and hurt the russian economy so yeah of great concern right now but still most economists are forecasting that the fourth quarter of last year was the worst quarter and the indications are that we're beginning to see you know something of a recovery taking place and so for this year. the expectations are that the economy will do slightly better than we saw in two thousand and twelve so if you go along with the war acb president did all day is saying that confidence has stabilized and that he does see growth at some point this year. well i think you know he's obviously hoping that that's been the case it's still too early to you know to say that there is a. boost in the economy we can see some slight improvements and they say that there is an optimistic outlook for this year compared to last year but it's far too early to be complacent for example if there were to be
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a cherry aeration in the banking system in spain or initially then that could certainly undermine confidence and lead to a much lower rate of growth or decline again this year so you know we're certainly seeing this optimistic tone and optimistic rhetoric and everybody's trying to kind of talk up the story the hope that that would increase invest in their consumption but it's still early days yet and very fragile and everybody is very nervous and really just talking about these figures that came out today they all roll the dismal today no proof that these surveys spending cuts all stare at a is not walking. well if you say that the it isn't working we had a mess of. austerity cuts across many countries in the euro zone and we haven't really seen any benefit from that the benefit has been on the fiscal position at a budget level but not in terms of economic growth but you know this slump has extended to countries that haven't suffered austerity kurtz's for example germany
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the region's biggest economy has also reported much slower growth than had been expected and yet you know that's a strong economy strong balance sheet didn't suffer from many any cuts what we're actually seeing is that you know the problems on the edge of europe in the mediterranean are of that stature are undermining confidence last year and this is what drag i guess is hoping to say the confidence is picking up but no doubt about it last year the concern about problems in mediterranean countries in ireland has had an impact on confidence and that has reduced investment spending by companies and consumption by consumers so that needs to change the need to prevent that loss of confidence from deepening because that is what will drive the euro zone economy much worse and another front so that could drag it down even was perhaps a you're right on the strength of it at the moment how much of a disadvantage is that. well the euro is
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a bit of an anomaly at this stage because you know the central bank and industrialists would all prefer to see a weaker euro because you know like we see in other countries in japan particularly in the u.s. . there are striving for weaker economies or weaker currencies to help boost economic growth. but on the other hand you know a strong euro can be taken as a reflection of confidence in the region of recovery and it can boost confidence so there's a little bit of a kind of a mismatch i guess between what the politicians want which is you know i think it better europe better currency which would then maybe sustain better confidence in the region where the industrious and central bank are of course concerned that it will hamper growth so it is a concern either way and of course the whole issue of currencies in general around the world is now becoming the major talking point a major economic issue you know for all central banks and for all economies. without a majlis have
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a look and see what european markets did today you can see reacting to that disappointing data release a whole plethora of we've got half a percent down for the footsie there london for the dax in frankfurt over up a cent in negative territory want to also mention that we had a contraction for the japanese economy as well and there's now concerns about school lobel growth really being felt across the board must say so let's come to wall street see how they reacted to these growth figures and it's probably again not a surprise that we have indeed got declines for the dow jones after the nasdaq again really both is pretty flat not a lot going on pretty lackluster performance what to say but those figures though are overshadowing a drop in jobless claims positive thing and warren buffett still to buy heinz in a twenty eight billion dollars deal probably most famous for the baked beans and small say ketchup suppose. tive domestic data of the year opinion excuse me
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recurrences i should say let's have a look at the ruble debt as you can see it's actually lower to the u.s. dollar and higher to the european currency if you see just says it had a mixed performance in the session today also the equity markets and here in moscow again are taking their cue from the international markets just so you can see really quite strong declines really having lost oil price of course as well that's also a factor with the energy dependent stocks here in moscow to. also that is ahead of friday's r.t.s. my six i.p.o. to you want to mention the fact that the chibi performed much better than the market up one and a half percent and that's because of rumors it's selling a stake so that some markets will move on now russia's energy firm is intel's group is offering the top rate of around two point five billion dollars for the greek state gas giant data centers promises to boost the company's profitability and
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bring over six point five billion dollars worth of investment into the country thirty and a political she explains for us. those are demanding greece here are perhaps privatization program to reduce the staggering four hundred sixty billion dollars that the country is selling off its assets hoping to raise about fifteen billion dollars in four years or the offer today is greece state owned gas provider grappa along with the natural gas grid operator gas for final contestants include russia's gas giant gazprom as are john stay there own four car two greek groups the top bidder is russia's allergan firm soon as offering two and a half billion dollars for the whole lot the company operates power generating facilities in russia and develops oil and gas it promises to bring greece more cash . the company state managers have reached their limits we think we'll be able to
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boost the company's profitability by fifty percent and bring to five billion euro this is investments in the next five years will expand pipeline system and build anew l.n.g. termino we see greece as a potential gas transportation hub for gas flows from the mediterranean sea the gulf states and russia will meet. however of the prospect of greece becoming a gas hob where action to prevent the russian companies from wheeling the tender as europe is increasingly against russia's expansion on their energy markets what i'm going to say a better be the than what the russian companies will offer is unlikely. the newly hide image advisor to the russian government goldman sachs continues with glowing reports now predicting that the russian economy will grow an impressive five point three percent the wall street has been toast with helping russia love foreign cash
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some might say this rave review is expected considering the banking giant is being paid a whopping a million dollars for the privilege. all right let's talk about it is valentine's day so old so the best way to keep a very mouse alive is no candlelit dinners cuddly toys or time together no no no a big salary is. according to the latest web site survey anyway the findings reveal that most women want more money than them and then one less conservative with an overwhelming majority not minding the idea of the wealthy a woman. is the business of a guy in less than two hours' time muchly but. a wealthy a woman that's a good idea does that mean i could be lazy or does that mean i'm not even shopping
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and household chores you have to do the chills do the cleaning do the polishing i've got into on stage you think. well i'll be back very shortly with more news. helicopters flying through the air do you have night rounds of assault rifle ammo popping as the choppers buzz over the land now this unique form of hell of terror is no longer restricted to those in vietnam in the middle east now houston miami residents are the good old you are so you can get in on the fun houston residents of terror called nine one one and scrambled for cover and even a school as part of a lockdown as a military helicopters participated in a multi-agency training for ill in miami at night in the middle of downtown onlookers caught video on their telephones of blackhawk helicopters pumping loud blank on to the people below and maybe even as i speak
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a flexible schedule military drill could be happening in jesper county south carolina you don't when i was a kid they tell us about how the evil soviet union would parade their tanks around how there were soldiers all over their. the country even in one thousand nine hundred four all made it a point to describe our military helicopters would eternally be overhead and a dystopian nightmare world now we're living the nightmare the united states is a huge country there's plenty of room on remote army bases to do your training also last time i checked afghanistan you don't look like downtown miami just who are you training to kill anyways knock off the terror training but that's just my opinion. could you take three. three. three.
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three. three. three. video for your media. free media. technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future of coverage. continues here on big brother maybe watching every click you make online u.s. government using new defense software able to predict your future behavior and the cations inside a space however with the program only using data submitted voluntarily social networks claims of privacy violations don't stick and that he's got a check on reports. those of you who are using social networks will find this
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interesting the world's fifth largest defense contractor raytheon a multinational firm based in massachusetts came up with a software that can map out your life and even predict your moves your behavior based on the information that you provide on websites like facebook twitter or foursquare the guardian has obtained a video. where a raytheon staffer explains and shows how it works the program is called raw it someone already branded it google for spice just a few clicks and it creates diagrams charts maps showing who you've communicated with most online your associations and relationships places where you check in most you know over twenty five million people use this app called foursquare to alert friends of their whereabouts so the program uses that and also the photos that people take on smartphones often have led to today and longitude details automatically imbedded in them so this riot program at a quick or two can analyze all that data and as the gentleman in the video claims
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it can roughly predict where to find you at a given time and potentially your behavior based on your interests so this firm that developed the software a major defense contractor has acknowledged that the technology was shared with the u.s. government as part of a joint research and development effort to help build the national security system capable of analyzing quote unquote trillions of entities from cyberspace that reminds me of the conversation that i had with william binney a mathematician a spy software expert who had worked for the national security agency for decades and who told us that the government is spying on people on a much larger scale and they're building social networks is part of it take a listen they were building social networks. who who's communicating and with whom inside this country so that your entire social network of everybody of every us citizen was being compiled. over time so they're taking from one company alone
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roughly three hundred twenty million records a day. over time that probably accumulated up to close to twenty trillion over the years mr binney blow the whistle on this n.s.a. program seeing it as a blatant violation of the constitution but with this right software one can argue that they use the information that individuals have already chosen to make public they put it out there and most people know that privacy safeguards that for example facebook provides don't hold water really and yet people try to share so if you don't want someone to be able to map out your entire life and to be able to potentially predict your behavior stop checking in everywhere and turn up location services on your phone or maybe you don't want that in that case no worries. some other stories now from around the world that this south korean experts say they failed to detect any signs of radiation after north korea's nuclear test so far analysis is failed to find evidence that any iranian based device was used but that one stops of korea a cruise missile which it says is capable of hitting even the office of north
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korea's leader just three months ago the shelf reached a deal with washington to extend its ballistic missile range. one of the world's most celebrated sportsman oscar pistorius has been charged with murder after his girlfriend was short. the man known as the blade runner made history last year and becoming the first double amputee to compete in the olympic games a south african is believed to have told police that he shot reeva steenkamp by accident thinking she was an intruder. the un has declared the situation in mali a humanitarian disaster with the french intervention could lead to further violence and ethnic reprisal killings allegations of atrocities of a merge following the rapid advance of french led forces across the vast northern areas of the war torn nation and its goals on the one show reports for r.t. from the money and capital. if you've got to be. the united nations already describes the situation in mali as a disaster the u.n.
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human rights commission says the country's caught in a spiral of violence fraught with grievous consequences the situation has been made worse in the wake of ferocious fighting in and around the city of northern mali following four days of fierce resistance from insurgents complete with suicide attacks the french military has been forced to conclude that some of the locals made an extremist. however some of the key areas in this conflict are still off limits to international journalists with the french army denying a spastic saying it was for our own security the un high commissioner for human rights nivea palais made it plain in a recent statement that the situation in mali is only deteriorated following the foreign military intervention you know that the insurgency in mali's aggravated by ethnic clashes an artsy camera crew witnessed instances of vegs accuses him brutalities perpetrated by the mali an army and survived. the military are not the
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only ones and gauged in hunting down people of arab or torah origin who are believed to be part of the insurgency and even the locals are going after them as well and for some time it has been difficult to find people from either of those ethnic groups anywhere in mali this brings us back to the fact that more than three hundred thirty thousand people have been forced to flee from their homes because of the crisis the last straw for all those refugees and indeed for all of mali as been a statement by al qaida coming out of the arabian peninsula which calls upon every muslim to join the holy war against france a war that is being fought in mali against the will of its people. molly. and i think the israeli government has admitted that a man with links to the country secret service was imprisoned under a false name and that the so-called prisoner x. hanged himself while in custody to music. the identity of the alleged secret agent was revealed by australian t.v.
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with israeli reports indicating that media and was initially by the government to keep the story under wraps for security reasons it's not known why the man was being held in a top secret town of a prison it claims are emerging he was a double agent who knew sensitive security information on a list and senior correspondent for israel's had its newspaper amir has told me that the entire situation has become a source of embarrassment for the country. and one level it's an espionage story and mystery regarding the foreign intelligence service mossad and the tragic. circumstances under which one of its operatives apparently found his death on another level it's government versus press story and the press here has been struggling against various government agencies and gradually has been able to leave at least some of the secrecy surrounding this story there was
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a gag order here apparently and defer this was the case and one cannot confirm it independently from israel but again embarrassing is one has to rely on foreign sources if that is true and a gag order was signed by a judge then one would have been subject to prosecution if one were to violate it so apparently even though these really press is far from being lazy for the last two years it has waited passively for someone abroad in this case australia to break the story that's it for the moment i'll be back in about five minutes with a news team with more news for you marty. i
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never knew adam lanza in person but i was in the same high school as out and he was younger than me just going to be younger. i always thought he was different i always into something funny he rarely talks and you don't he was a shy kid. i don't know anyone who is friends with him i also don't know of anyone who is particularly mean to the what i do know is that it was very clear that this person was not like everybody else. can imagine the level of mental illness that would be present to murder children. america's you know so many go on this there would be an american behind every tree with a gun. i think for kids growing up in this environment is good for them at an early age to least see the gun and respected because they need
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to know what kind of damage it can do. this is our first task as a society. keeping our children safe. this is how we will be judged. base is based on guns you know i care read the red sox play. music. concert the show today on how to sing we just had a studio upgrade like i'm on just to go to the heights and debate which is be totally devoted to the united states has to work for a big mass shootings for me to come over to sandy hook school and want someone to tell them it's a stop the bloodshed on this one tom stupor think i'm a commie is there a concept of the steam past. live
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. leg. length. clint.
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my juggling job. to do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another well behind it which is how to influence things situations steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners honey around the office and lots of strange faces around so i
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said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up the police to have the police come in through the mount but it didn't seem to be a good idea to learn the european way with brussels business. in the ocracy it's one person one fold but in brussels business it's one euro one fault wealthy british style side. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global.


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